A little birdy told me...
I'll get you titled up Smile

This was the sort of force that she had been fighting against for the last year or so, the question of her ever having any pups of her own. Her failed attempt at telling Dawali how she felt had been a major setback for her emotionally, right when she had actually allowed herself to start wondering about things like pups and motherhood. She had once been very afraid of pups, but being around Tayui's pups and being around her neices and nephew had helped her to open up more.

She listened to what the boy had to say about who he had been sent to look for. She couldn't deny him, tell him that she wasn't his mother. Dierdre had told him that he would find a mother here, and maybe this was a good thing. The pup licked at her face and she reached to give him a light pat on the head. "Yes, that's true. Mommy helps lead a tribe of wolves who lives here on these lands...as far as I know, no one's sick here."

Ember looked at the note, recognizing Dierdre's slanted handwriting. What was written there did not make sense to her entirely, about some of Lotus' mannerisms. She would try to be careful what she said around him so that she didn't hurt his feelings. "I guess everything's in order, then...welcome to yer new home, umm...Sweetie. I made a place in my den for you, cleared everything out and cleaned it up about a week ago so you'd be comfortable. Are you tired from all the walking? You don't look too heavy, I could carry ya."


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