one of my turns [p. j.]

It's all good hun <333 A little PP to get them to/inside the house 300+

He could only imagine how nervous she must have been to show up here and not be certain of how he would react. Thankfully though, she had had no reason to worry. This is what Haven had wanted and had been too afraid and too courteous to ask for. But now it had happened thanks to Princess' courage and their life with one another could truly start in a place where they could now both call home. After she replied to his suggestion he pulled away and gave her another quick kiss on her cheek before gently setting her back down on the ground. He hadn't wanted to put her down either, but they would have plenty of time to spend in each other's arms now and it would be best to get her settled first. Picking the bags up he beamed down at her and nodded his head in the direction of the house. "This way, M'Lady," he said playfully, unable to hide the giddiness that colored his deep tones.

The walk to the two room house flew by as his pace was increased, eager to make it to the home that was no longer just his. As the couple reached the door he placed one of her bags down to open the door for her, standing by to allow her to enter first. Once she did he followed her inside and shut the door. "Welcome home," he said warmly. He knew it could be some time before she really started to feel like this house and Cour des Miracles was home, but he was going to do all he could to make her comfortable and make the transition easier. Her bags still in hand he lead the way down the hall and paused where he came to the two different doors that lead to the separate bedrooms. Looking back to her he asked, "Where do you want your things? You're welcome in my room, of course, but if you want the other one..." The Knight didn't want to make any assumptions about which room she wanted to stay in. Just because she was here didn't necessarily mean she wanted to share his room quite yet.


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