The dawn is coming
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<3 bye Mewmew Sad

    It always struck him as somewhat odd that they all seemed to have such faith in the distracted Rosea. Was he jealous? No – shouldn’t be, because he was untouchable. He wanted the woman to fall off the throne, pushed down by lack of faith and trust from the members. The circumstances should be perfect for that right now, but the members seemed oblivious. Haku Soul, always the one doing the dirty work, always on duty for the ungrateful white bitch. Of course his mortal sister was just as oblivious of the upper workings of Dahlia as everyone else. His gaze drifted away from her ivory and soft gray form, losing interest very quickly now when he had seen her young and witnessed her lack of potential.

Little did the siblings know that they would not meet again. Mew Sadira would dive into her death and Haku would finally find his way to new heights of insanity. It was almost sad, taken into account how promising their lives had been when they both were young and free in Clouded Tears. The family had never been complete in every way, but it had certainly never been as broken as it would be soon. Haku could not see anything but the war he so ached for and the blood he wanted to cover the land. Mew was soon to never see anything ever again. As usual, without dignifying the other of any sort of farewell, Haku Soul turned around and walked out of Mew Sadira’s life without even knowing it. It mattered little, for the sibling Mew knew was already long gone and dead.


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