What great days these are

300+ words.

Nuzzling his cheek against Ayita, Vigilante smiled at her fondly before giving proper attention to the boy that introduced himself as Niro. A hand was held out, and though he was not frequently using such gesutres, he felt rude by not offering his own, so the Constable took a moment to complete his shift, shaking loose the secui form as he stood on two legs again. With both Niro and Ayita in their two-legged forms, it seemed entirely appropriate that he use his, as well, regardless of what form he was in before. He was lucky enough to be able to use each form, and he enjoyed having the option. Standing to his full height, the doggish man held out his hand, gripping Niro's politely before lowering his arm. "It's a pleasure, Niro." It was his general nature to be polite, but it was also his duty for the pack, he supposed. Perhaps he was gifted to have already been personable. Their old Constable had been far from it, unfortunately.

Vigilante had never been gifted with the option of travelling with his sister anywhere. During her life, they had been isolated from most of the pack, as well as he had never had the option to leave in the first place. He did not begrudge Ayita or Niro for having a sibling nearby, though he was a tiny bit envious of such things, as he had no choice to do that. "How are you liking it here, so far?" he asked with a smile, curious to know what a newcomer might think about their humble little kingdom. It had become the doggish man's home quite some time ago, and he had no intentions of leaving it now. As one of the leaders, though, he felt it was also his job to find out how newcomers were finding their time in the pack. If a pack did not gain new members, then it would not flourish and grow, but rather, dwindle and fade away. New members were very important to a pack's continual development, the dog mix was completely aware.

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