Lower Then Deep

So sorry! Didn't realize that this had gone up. ^^; 500+ words.

     Morning seemed to be one of his most active times of the day, though Vigilante could not explain it. Perhaps it was caused by the years he had been working at night, sleeping early in the day. Now that he had the option, he was finding it much more preferrable to be up in the early hours of the day. It was very rare that he would find someone else out and about when he was this early, but it did happen occasionally. Ayita and her children were usually still asleep when he woke, so it was very common for him to venture out into the brisk air. The doggish man usually took to patrolling both the borders and the pack's territory, as he considered safety to be one of his top concerns. Vigilante felt that he needed to protect the pack and those that he loved, but he also needed to ensure that everything was running smoothly within the pack, as well. It was very important to him that the relationships within the pack remain high and pleasant.

     Today, it was the borders that drew his attention, as well as the surrounding area. The war had not come to his humble home, but he was wary that it very well might, as he knew that both Jacquez and Firefly had interests in the war that did not bode well for them. It was nothing pleasant, this whole situation, and while he agreed that they should act on what they felt was necessary, he was worried that their involvement could touch the pack in some way. Sighing, Vigilante brushed the shaggy hair away from his face as he drifted away from the borders, taking up his tall stance beside a tree some distance from the actual marker of where his home lay. The Constable tried not to think about the pack's potential involvement in the war, as he did not want to believe that such a thing could touch his happy home, and he also tried not to judge the actions of his pack mates when it came to something that he understood meant a great deal to them. Still, it was troubling for the doggish man.

     It was not long after he resumed walking in silence that he saw the earthen-hued woman moments before she fell, dropping everything that she had been holding. He did not think that he knew her, but regardless, he moved quickly to her side, dropping to his knees to help her gather the fallen things, though he held the ones he had picked up as he studied her looking at the broken frame. It was very obvious that there was something upsetting her, but he had no idea whether or not it was simply because she had fallen and broken something, or if there was more behind the possibility of tears. "Are you okay, Miss?" he questioned, though he could easily see that she was not, in fact, okay. Vigilante was concerned both for her physical state and her emotional state.


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