We can face this, Fight life with life


RJ liked this boy. He was polite, like he was, and didn't seem as crazy as the rest. He shook his body of the snow, blades clinking again. They were quite cumbersome at times. He nodded back to the boy. "It is very nice to meet you too, Conor." Wait, Conor Soul? This nice boy could not be related to the crazed leader, could he? The Christian didn't want to believe it, he already put this boy at the top of his "friends" list in Dahlia. he kept his smiling face, retaining his thoughts for later. He focused on Conor again.

"Oh yes, I do," he chuckled, "although I do worry if I will get lost at times. You can never be too sure about new places, am I right?" As RJ talked, you would begin to notice how he never used contractions, and always spoke in formalities. RJ tended to prize himself on his English prowess, and was also the polite kind of person anyways. He shook himself again, flipping more snow of his harness. "However, if you have the time I wouldn't refuse a harmless tour of the packlands."


Word Count: 200+


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