Lower Then Deep
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of course i love you!! Big Grin

     Violet eyes moved from the male’s hands that help gather her scattered things back to the broken pieces that she held. What a mess, she thought. They were not the clearest thoughts that came; no there was a much larger question that came forward loud and clear. But Mati did not want to replay it, couldn’t manage the think it over once more. What a mess A mess she had made, one she didn’t know how to fix. The Church female was so very muddled that she couldn’t keep her emotions together, couldn’t pull herself back to a semi normal state that would show this stranger that she was not an emotional heap.

     His deep voice came to her ears, the articles that she had dropped visible under her fallen face. Slowly she shook her head, revealing a simple truth. “I don’t know.” She wanted it to be right; she wished that it would just be fixable. She couldn’t will time to change and what had happened to be reversed, but maybe it could be made right. His tone brought her further out of her daze, the tears no longer in the corners of her eyes. Mati nodded her head then, “I’m Mati Church, from Crimson Dreams.” She introduced herself, her face rising to meet his gaze. It was full of concern, and she could see understanding there. His emerald eyes met hers and Mati took the hue in and found it as solid as the stone they mirrored.

     “Could you try?” She asked, gratitude mixed with her current disappointment ridded the small sentence. “I would really appreciate it. If you cant its okay, I just…” Her voice trailed off as she fought to find the words her thoughts and heart growing emotional once more. “really like it.” The words came with a slight sigh of relief, as if a confession that had weighed her down.

     He next question made her eyes move away quickly. Realizing that she was revealing her weakness Mati looked back and forced her eyes to look at his face but could not find the energy to place the façade to cover her obvious insecurity. “No,” She confessed before a small pause. Then as if she couldn’t bear to hold it in another moment longer Mati “I think I hurt my packmate.” But that wasn’t right, god how could she push Cambria so far away that she was nothing more then a packmate? “My friend, I know she’s upset.” She corrected, shaking her head as she rose from the ground. Mati had never been so jumbled.

By Erin <33


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