Leaps and Bounds
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OOC: Sorry about the day-or-two delay. Also I'm glad to see you joined, Daniel (would you prefer I call you Pendez, Daniel, or Dan when I'm OOC?). I was hoping to rp with one of my character's parents soon.

Delwyn loved wrestling around with his brother: he had a surprising degree of natural talent and was very good at it. It wasn't that he was particularly stronger than other pups, but rather, it seemed like he never tired out, which was always advantagous. So excited was he to be playing another game, the snow-colored pup completely forgot to pay any mind to the pair of adult wolves as he pinned and was pinned by his brother time and time again. After rolling about in the brown grass for a good while with Carwyn, probably pushing the patience of his waiting father, the playful little pup broke away with a grin.

"Here's my papa, mister Ty!" he shouted, bounding towards his father with exuberance. Looking up at the red-eyed arctic wolf, he happily claimed "I made a new friend today, papa! He says I'm a brave warrior!" It hadn't yet occurred to the rambunctious youth that his father might be disappointed or angry with him for running off: tact wasn't a virtue that came naturally to Delwyn. Indeed, he was yet naive to the dangers of the real world. As much as his mother tried time and time again to explain to him the virtues of caution, especially while so young, the puppy's mind never conceived of the notion of anything other than fun and adventure being all around him.

Overhead the first few drops of rain from a coming shower began to fall.


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