Lower Then Deep

500+ words.

     As inexperienced as he was with working with wood, the Constable did not think that fixing the frame was outside of his abilities as a craftsman. Metal was certainly not the same as wood, and both had very different personalities and needs, but he did not think it would be incredibly difficult. Vigilante sat on the floor a few feet away from Mati, the frame pieces and nails on the floor in front of him. No, it should not be difficult at all, he decided. It would just need to be handled with care, as it was very obvious that the frame was important to Mati. He did not know the actual meaning behind it, but he was not blind to how upsetting it was for her that it had broken. "This should not be too difficult to fix for you," he mused, though he made a mental note to make sure he was very careful when putting the nails in. Splintering the wood would not be beneficial in the least.

     Laying out the pieces on the floor so that they sat the way they were supposed to, Vigilante leaned forward over his lap so that he was closer to the frame. Now that he knew what he needed to do, there was really no need wait any longer. Truthfully, he was a bit nervous that he was going to make things worse by trying to fix the frame, since he was not sure exactly how to go about it. He picked up one of the small nails, placing it against the wood delicately. With the other hand, he lifted the small hammer and nudged the nail with it softly until the nail was no longer visible to his eye. Since the nails were very small, he added a second one to the same break, just to make sure that they would hold. Then, once he was satisfied with the fact that it seemed sturdy enough, he repeated the process with the other two splits in the frame. He held it up in silence for her approval before setting it down again. It had been a surprisingly quick process.

     Now that he had finished, Vigilante felt able to focus on what else was bothering her. It was not the same situation, but he did understand the unsure feelings. After all, he had felt that way about Ayita, and his love for her did not seem like it should be there, in his opinion. Things had worked out for him, and he sincerely hoped things would go well for her, as well. "Sometimes, love can surprise you. It can come in the form of someone you would never expect. It can appear out of nowhere, and similarly, there is occasionally the risk of falling out of love." He paused, then corrected himself, "No, that is not true. You cannot fall out of love. But it is entirely possible to care for someone so much that you label it love, and over time, you begin to realize that one or both of you do not feel real, unconditional love. Still, it is worth it to have that bond with someone. You will never knowfor sure until you try it, as well, and you will always question what could have been." He hoped that he might be able to help her, but he did not know what it was that would be helpful.


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