A new Life
OOC: 'ello! ^^

Her ears flickered as her eyes narrowed. She was contemplating on what to do with herself now, but just then she heard a voice. Instantly she perked and turned her head looking behind her to the canine. The shock of seeing another was not hidden as her eyes widened and a large smile formed upon her muzzle, ears perked in a very alert manner. She was so excited her tail almost did not wag. Quickly, she attempted to calm herself but that was virtually impossible for her. Whirling around in a flash, her body was facing him. At this point his words were lost to her, she did not even register them--that she could remember. For what would seem an eternity to her, she forgot how to speak. Did she forget to breath for a moment? I think she did. Taking in a large breath of air she finally spoke.

"What?" That was all her sweet voice could manage to say. Then her ears went back as she felt utterly stupid in a matter of one word. As quick as she could she tried to retract her words, "I-I mean, uh.." Just as she felt like she was going to cry her mind finally recovered his words, or question for that matter, "..yeah! Yeah, I am fine." Thank god for fur, or her cheeks would be as red as blood. However, her body language betrayed her as it showed her emotions and thoughts like a book. Sitting, she looked up into his eyes like a puppy caught getting into mischief. Despite everything she was still trying to recover herself, "My name is Adonia Demos..." She looked down for a moment then back up to his face and eyes.

Finally, she was beginning to wind down becoming more aware of her surroundings. She couldn't help but notice the many scents upon him. Maybe he was in a pack, maybe she accidentally came upon pack territory. Shock came to her face as she lifted her posture into an alert one looking around, trying to discreetly search for markers. Her couth was lost as panick set in once more. "I didn't do something wrong did I? Is this claimed territory!?" She gulped in fear as she stood quickly ready to flee if need be. Oh god, I come across my first canine and I blow it! Oh god...what do I do! Her mind was panicking and she could not stop it. She was so full of fear and nervousness.

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