refuse to remain complacent

OOC: OMG I had soooo many typos in that last post. x.x FAIL.

She was in deep shit. As she fought with everything she had to keep the male's fangs and claws from ripping her apart, her mind wheeled with every other option she could have exploited as he'd lunged at her. She could have used his momentum against him, flipping him over her as he'd landed on her back. She could have sprinted to her feet, leaping to the side and dodging. But she'd done nothing of either sort. Instead she'd rolled to face him face to face, probably the stupidest manuever she could ever had performed in such a situation. Kol knew better than that, but she had no time to inwardly scold herself for being so incredibly rusty.

All that mattered now was getting the monster off. She snarled up at him while inside she was near a panic. Any flesh she could grab, she dug her claws into as deeply as she could, ripping and tearing and hoping she'd hit something major. She managed to dodge her head to the side just in time to keep the male's hungry fangs from digging too deeply into her neck, a few shallow gashed opening up where they had grazed and torn. Fire raged through Kol's body as the male wounded her, but she forced the pain down along with her rising panic. No, she had to think, she had to figure a way out of this. In the heat of battle, to panic was suicidal. Kol had to survive; she had something to protect. Images of Bris, sweet and innocent despite the turmoil of war that reached across the two packs she'd called family, filled the older Stormbringer's mind. She was why Kol was fighting, to give her sister the chance at a life a peace, a life that Kol was never able to have.

With renewed vigor, Kol snarled as she suddenly pushed up with all of her strength, trying to get just enough space between her and the male so she could twist beneath him. If she could get him on her back as he'd originally intended, she was strong enough that she could more than likely flip, roll, or throw the brute off and get herself into a better position. She needed to get the hell off the ground.

Table by Tay!


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