What great days these are
Ayita was very content sitting here talking with the new wolf in the area it was nice to see new faces. She knew that there would be others that would come and it made her happy. In such a new and ever expanding pack she was happy to find friends here. though she knew not everyone would be your friend. She knew firefly and her would have their differences but they both had come to common ground and had atlest a aquantacne ship. Looking at the young boy she could see he was rather happy to be her.

"That dosent sound very fun." Ayita said looking at him. "If theres ever any help you need we'll be more then happy to help. Have you gotten a chance to explore all of the territory?" She asked looking at him. she wasn't sure if she'd consider this place a paradies or not a good place to live a relitivly safe place but paradise prolly not. Looking at vigi she haddn't said much but she knew that the little glaces at him and the love they shared would show him that she still cared for him.

"So Niro you said you have a sister. What is she like and may I ask how you two got here?" She had become quite interested in this and wanted to learn things and she knew that she would asking questions was the best way.

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