Baby Steps to Independance, A Pup's First Memory
ooc: Yay! I was hoping you'd want to continue with this thread, I'm having fun with it Big Grin. I have a phobia of bugging people about threads, or I would've poked you to remind you of it Wink.

word count: 336

ic: The lean hybrid was far from out of shape; however, she was grateful when the pup finally wore himself out and plopped down on the ground. Two hours of tag was a little more than she'd bargained for, and she was willing to bet that given another hour or so of rest that the little one would be bounding around once more, so she was glad for the moment of respite.

She chuckled to herself as he began to ask questions. Apparently he'd been listening more than she'd thought; she revised her initial opinion of his impatience. She settled down on the ground next to him, picking up her stang and fondling it as she caught her breath from the afternoon's romp. "Nae, m'dear, frae the Valley I'm not." She paused, considering his question, and how to answer it. The story of her ousting from her tribe was not really one for young ears, and her smile faltered a little at the memories. "Where I'm from... there's much th' same, an' much diff'rent. It's an isle, a bit o' land wi' water on all sides. We 'ad none o' th' houses like ye've got 'ere, only dens. An' no one walked on two legs, 'cept me." She stopped there, before the pup got bored. "I left b'cause... well, my tribe an' I, we got into a sort o' disagreement. It's a long an' borin' story, really, that'd put ye t'sleep sure as shootin'. Mebbe I'll tell ye th' 'ole thing one day when it's time fer a nap."

She smiled down at the pup. "Danu... Danu is everythin'. An' everyone. All of us 'ave got a bit o' her in us, an' so do th' trees, an' the water an' th' sun. Even Bre'er Hare has got a bit o' Danu in 'im. She created us, an' watches o'er to make sure we behave like as we're s'posed to." She winked at him. "Speakin' o' behavin', does yer mum know yer out frolickin' wi' strange ladies?"

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