Sunny days are here
Pendzez smiled again as the wolfess commented on his kindness. Yes, the white wolf was the kind type. He had was now, way more mature than he was before when he was still young. He had practiced discipline and now he's an ambassador of Phoenix Valley. He had wondered if Jefferson would even consider giving Pendzez the position of Pundit. Of course, Pendzez would have to prove himself further in his duties, to see if the white wolf was able for the rank of 2nd subleader. "Thanks. Same to hear about you."

He then stopped and just looked at the wolfess as she asked that question. Pendzez had put a lot of though into it. He knew Xeris was the one, but he didn't really explain how she was. It wasn't that he couldn't, but he never really said anything. He supposed that he would have to say. "Some would say it was destiny, but I don't. I do believe in destiny, but for me and Xeris, I guess the spirits always knew when she and I first met," he said as he remembered the beach on the day they first met.

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