one of my turns [p. j.]

nuuuupe. short XP

Haven found himself nearly holding his breathe as he waited in that brief span of silence for her answer. He wanted her to stay in his room with him. He wanted it to be their room. When Siobhan had come she had lived in the other room. It had made sense, for they had both been very young and unaccustomed being with someone else. There were some similarities between him and Princess, but it was also very different. They were both full adults now, and they had already explored the physical realm of their attraction. Living with each other would be different, but he didn't want any walls separating them. He wanted them to share the same bed at night and to wake up to her beautiful face each morning.

As her dulcet tones gave her answer his grin burst into full bloom again and his tail waves his approval like a flag. "Our room it is then." Haven nudged open the door with his foot and then set her bags down on the ground. It was a good thing his possessions were scarce. There wasn't too much closet room, but he hadn't really occupied any of it and so she could fill it up as she liked. Turning back to her he wrapped his arms around her slender waist once again, pulling her close. Jades gazed down into her golden pools and he felt so light that he could have floated away. "Thank you," he said softly. There was so much he was thankful to her for, but at the moment, he was so glad that she had taken that leap for him. For them. It was a sacrifice he understood and loved her all the more for.


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