Egg Hunting

Gold eyes watched as the male tied the rope around his middle. They glanced down at the cliff once more, and he was suddenly grateful that he was not the one to be traveling down it's face. It was steep, and looked a bit slick from the ocean's spray. His gaze fell back to the pale hued wolf as he spoke. He must want that egg badly. Heath nodded,
That would make it a bit easier, for sure. He agreed, smiling at the comment. It would be quite a thing if they weren't both knocked over the side, and if Niro could get down to the egg. It of course would be another thing to raise a little hatching as Heath figured the male wished to do.

There was not much time to think twice, and Heath took the rope in his hands and found a rock to prop himself against as the other spoke. His hand held the rope tightly, anticipating the weight the would be soon placed against it.
Alright, yell for more slack. He told the wolf, his face looking a bit nervous at the prospect of going over the edge. The male tensed, waiting for the moment where he would need to haul the other male back up.


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