love, reign over me

300+ words.

     Everything she had done in her life, it seemed, had been for someone else. Had she ever done anything specifically to make herself happier? She thought over it for a moment before deciding that, if she ever had, she did not remember it. The only thing she could think of that she had done for herself instead of someone else had been telling Ares that she was not going to stay away from Haven after their first encounter. That had been for herself, and she was glad she had not made that promise to her brother, because she had come to love the Knight from the neighboring pack. If she had consented to her brother's wishes, she might not have found the bond between Haven and herself, and that would have been an awful shame. She would have wondered forever if she had made the right decision.

     It meant a lot to know that Haven's mother thought it was a good idea for her to go to his pack to be with him. Though it was a big sacrifice and she knew she would miss Crimson Dreams, the pack that had been a home to her more than any other place in the world, Princess truly felt she was making the right decision now. More than likely, she had simply needed a gentle nudge in the right direction, her fear of doing something wrong for such an important matter having grown to be overwhelming. The idea of talking to Savina about this was still a bit nerve wracking, and she was not pleased to be leaving so soon after realizing that Colibri was here. They might not have been close, but the former Dahlian woman had helped her through her first shift, and Princess considered her a friend. "I will talk to her soon... I'll miss it here." Princess paused, then looked at Anu curiously. "How long has Colibri been here? We were friends in Dahlia, and she helped me through my first shift. I... never said good bye to her, or anyone," she admitted sheepishly, ashamed of this trivial fact.


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