Starting Anew
Fabayo let herself look back up at Cerridwyn with a bit of a curious look. As soon as the question processed through her mind, however, she let out a whimper. "I- I dunno where Mom and Dad are... There was this giant black thing that attacked us while we were out walking with Aine... It scared me so I hid in a bush. Mom and Dad didn't, and I ran away when I heard them screaming... Now I can't find Aine, she's my big sister, and Mom and Dad are gone..." Fabayo sounded completely terrified, and she curled back up into a ball, shaking. She whimpered again, the sound pathetic.

"I- I've been running all day and I'm tired and I'm hungry and I still can't find her and I'm scared!" She twitched, burying her head in her paws in an attempt to hide from the world. She was already starting to trust Cerridwyn, but she couldn't deal with this anymore. She had to do something to separate herself from it.

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