Starting Anew
Out of the shadows bursted the warrior-wolf known as Ty, out for some boarder patrol as he usually was. It was the howling from the little pup that had got his attention, but he hadn't shown up as quick as cerridwyn because he hadn't recognized the scent of the pup. And while being a rather open-minded wolf, he couldn't help but be somewhat cautious around scents he did not recognize. He had been slower, but stealthier, attempting to move to lessen the sound of his coming. When he finally did arrive, Cerridwyn was there long before he had shown up.

When he did get there, he didn't say anything at first, but instead his eyes browsed over the situation with a certain scrutiny. The pup before him was slightly wounded, and apparantly there had been a struggle neaby, but that's all Ty could get from purely looking at the situation. Someting obviously had happened, the smell of blood had trinkled into Ty's nose, but what exaclty did happen? Ty wasn't sure, but he didn't want to blow an emrgency call just yet and get the leader involved. Once Ty got a basic assessment, he was right down to business."Cerridwyn, what happened here?" He asked the female. "This...doesn't look good, how long has she been here? Where are her parents?"

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