Starting Anew
word count: 371

Cerridwyn wanted with all her heart to scoop the little pup up in her arms and snuggle her. However, the puppy was skittish, and the collie mix did not want to panic her any more than she already was. Her brow furrowed as the little female spilled out what had brought her here, ending with a desperate, very puppylike admission of terror. She did not scoop the little one up, but did place both hands on the tiny form, massaging her ears and trying to send calming energy. "Shh, shh, li'l un, yer safe now, nothin' can 'urt ye 'ere."

The puppy's story disturbed her. There was no telling what this "black thing" might be -- it could be anything from another wolf to a bear. Either way it had flat out attacked two adult wolves and two puppies; possibly three adults and a puppy, depending on how old this Aine was, and that made it a threat. Even if the little one had been running all day, that woudn't have been very far, considering how small she was. Cerridwyn's chocolate eyes flicked to the woods behind the pup before she could stop them, even though she smelled no danger.

Before she could say more to comfort the little one, a tawny figure burst through the trees, and Cerridwyn's attention was jerked that way, her body tensing up, startled. She relaxed and let out a breath as she recognized him -- Ty. Good. "I dunno fer sure 'ow long she's been 'ere, Ty, I only go' 'ere a few moments ago m'self. The pup's fine, she en't got no injuries, jus' scruffed up a bit an' terrified out 'er wits. She said she was out wi' 'er parents an' 'er big sister when they were attacked by somethin' large an' black. She ran 'way an' los' track o' th' rest o' 'er fam'ly." She didn't say it out loud because she didn't want to scare the poor thing more than she already was, but she gave Ty a meaningful look. He would understand the implication of the threat even better than she, and would be in a better position to do something about it. "We need t'get 'er into th' packlands."

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