Egg Hunting


WC: 347

The slight tug he felt as heath pulled the rope up was an incentive to get up faster, although he still took his time, he didn’t want to fall now that he’d gotten his egg, but ascending felt so much better than climbing down, but he still had to find the right foot holes and the driest rocks he could put his paws on, but the tug made it seem like it went much faster than the descent. Well it didn’t matter now! He had it! He had an eagle egg, something he couldn’t accomplish back in Florida, he was cheering himself on, he moved up over the ledge and back on solid ground, a wide stupid grin on his face.

I can’t believe I just did that!

Niro whooped, as he looked down just to see his own accomplishment. He was panting slightly, it was hard work climbing like that. He patted the spot where the egg was, it was well worth the risk in his opinion. He was just glad it was over with, he wasn’t normally like his sister where he would willingly put himself and others into danger, but it all worked out, and most definitely without a hitch. Now came the harder part, keeping the egg warm and nurturing the chick when it hatched.

This is the best day of my life! It’s all thanks to you!

He turned to Heath, of course he didn’t forget about his new friend, he wasn’t normally as outgoing as this, he was usually shy, maybe the whole thought of the ordeal brought it out of him.

I’m so hunting the biggest fattest thing I can find for you when we get back!

Niro said happily, he pulled out the grey speckled egg and held it gingerly in his paws. This tiny thing would become almost half his size in a few years, and his wingspan… it would be bigger than him. It was one of the largest eagles he’d read about and he couldn’t believe there were some nesting right here! It was amazing!!


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