Little Red

table © Alaine
ooc: edited previous post slightly. plus, feel free to use a little PP when Haku catches her :3

For a moment, the beast paused, and his rancid breath stung the brittle air and made her stomach revolt. There was fresh blood splattered over her hunter's maw, dripping with salivate mixture in rabid gore to the soft earth. She watched his tongue cleanse the yellowing daggers in his mouth with a hungry swipe, and felt her gut turn to ice.

At her words, the creature paused again, and she saw now an intelligent light in those cobalt abysses. Did this hellhound recognise her calling of his true nature, or was that amusement at her futile insults? Alaine dared not guess. Her blood pounded, thick with adrenaline, through constricted veins. The brute smiled, and his teeth flashed in the weak light like concealed blades. Her fingers tightened on the knife's handle, her hummingbird heart skipping a beat at the true horror of his delight. His smile was the calm before the storm, and she felt now the tension thick air, a dry swallow that rasped in her soft throat.

There was no time for a second chance. The killer leaped forth, and the damsel smelt death as she had never smelt it before, and knew of her own. But the collie-woman's instincts were sharper than most, for she had seen far too much and lived through such to take death easily. As the devil lunged towards her, Little Red unleashed an unearthly scream, the likes of which sent black crows to the sky as if their master beckoned. The sound died in her throat as, just in time, the slender Optime darted sideways to avoid his charge. Not entirely, though, for the jerky movement teetered her balance and she stumbled, scraping knees and the palms of her hands on sharp rocks and sticks as she rose.

The scent of fresh blood, rusty and tangible, filled the air.

Then she was on her feet and running, running like the doe, a blur of bright red cloak and soft ivory underbelly as she bounded over a fallen tree, hands grasping at trunks to prevent another fall. Each branch she touched left a bloody print, an easy trail for any to follow. She knew, too, that the beast would be able to outrun her, and her flight was pointless. It would only be a matter of seconds before she felt those wicked claws ripping into her back, and knew the last gasps of life...

Speak think walk


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