Starting Anew
word count: 358

The tri-color female's eyes went back to the pup's form as she tensed for a moment, but then relaxed. Relaxed enough, in fact, to begin to doze a little. Cerridwyn might have chuckled to herself if she hadn't been so concerned. Oh, to be a puppy. Her hand shot to her stang as she heard a rustling from the forest; something was coming at them, and it was coming at a high speed. Thinking of the threat that had quite probably taken care of the little one's parents, Cerridwyn was on her feet in seconds, stang held in front of her. Not that she had much skill with staff fighting (or any kind of fighting), but she figured she could knock whatever it was a good conk or two on the head before Ty would jump in to the rescue. She continued to stand and stare as the form burst from the trees; not a big black monster, but a hybrid yearling which, while black, was quite obviously no threat. She showed this quite thoroughly by barreling headfirst into a tree.

The Irish female relaxed a bit as the newcomer began to fawn over the golden puppy, and the puppy showed considerable excitement in return. One would never know she had been dozing but moments ago. She took a breath to assure the yearling -- obviously Fabayo's Aine -- that no one was going to hurt her, but Fabayo answered before Cerridwyn could get a word out. She couldn't help but chuckle. "Nae, yer in no danger 'ere," she reaffirmed. "Aye, I'm Cerridwyn, and this is Ty," she said, nodding her head in the Senex's direction. Her attention shifted to Fabayo for a moment. "No need t'be afeared o' him, li'l un. 'E'll nae 'urt ye." Her chocolate eyes studied the black yearling for a moment; there were no obvious injuries here, either. "Yer Aine, obviously. Fabayo gave us an idea o' wot 'appened, an' we can go inta detail la'er iffen we need ta. Th' mos' pressin' question, though, Aine, will be are ye 'urt at all, an' is there a threat t'us righ' now?"

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