Starting Anew
Ty listened to the two little wolves, they were obviously in distress. Something had happened and now these two were most likely the only two left. After weighing his options, he spoke to the children directly. "Don't worry, you two are safe now," he said with what authority he could muster, Ty was never one for giving orders, but someone had to take charge. "But I need you two to listen to me, alright? I want you two to follow Cerridwyn, if there is a threat, it's probably still nearby, and I wouldn't want you two to get hurt out here." His eyes began to dart around, attempting to look for any motion nearby, it was unusal for a threat not to finish what it started, these two kids were still in danger.

That's when Ty's attention turned to Cerridwyn, he gave a small comforting smile to her and stated "I'm certain you can lead the two deeper into the Valley borders? We certainly can't just leave them here." He explained to the irish lady before him. Although his face was trying to reamin calm, it was obvious his muscles were tensed up, and his nose was flaring in an attempt to get a different scent then the ones eminating by his present company. His eyes were darting all over the place, constintly wary for any signs of danger. "I will be behind you shortly, I'm just going to see if the intruder is still around. When you get to the feilds, sound for the leaders, they should know what to do." His glace was temporarily distracted by a small noise in the bushes, but realizing it was nothing his focus turned back to Cerridwyn. "Is that clear?"

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