Starting Anew

Ooc: Sorry I keep changing my table-thing like this. ^^; I'm just trying to find something that I like, and my HTML skills are fail. I don't care about posting order, by the way. As long as it makes sense, just go ahead and post. My 'bold' tags don't work for some reason, and I need to figure out why, so for now you do not get bold speech. Hope you can still figure out someone's talking. =)

Side note: Woot! 310 words! Fear my epic skills~!
Ic: "Does this mean we get to join your group?” Fabayo asked cautiously. She had never been part of anything besides her family before; both of her parents hadn’t been part of a pack. The young puppy had never had a chance to live with more than four wolves at a time. Fabayo had no idea what it would be like to live in a pack; she didn’t even know the proper name for it. She just figured it would be an adventure, which made it interesting to her.

Fabayo jumped on top of Aine while waiting for an answer, since she refused to move until her sister did. She heard Ty mention something about being brought to the leaders, but she didn’t really know what those are. What did register in her brain was the thing about the ‘giant black thing’ possibly still being around. Fabayo honestly didn’t know if it could be or not, since she had bolted the minute she got the chance. She glanced down at Aine, a worried look on her face. She had been tired before, but now she was wide awake.

“What happens when we go to meet the Leaders?” Fabayo asked. Despite her worry, she was still curious. She didn’t know the customs and everything that went with a pack. “Are they going to make me do a test? What happens if I fail? Will I get kicked out? And what if I do get to join and no one likes me? What will I do then? What if I can’t hunt when I’m older because I’m so small? What if I get picked on? Will I have to be nice to everybody? Will they like Aine? Will they tease her? What will happen when I turn into a different form like Mom told me I’d be able to someday? Will people laugh?”


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