Starting Anew
{Sorry, some of the post is from when I was workign on a response earlier. If a certain spoken sentence doesn't work out with what you want to do or say then pretend Aine mumbled it or something... Also... I figure Cerridwyn is in Optime form?}

Although Aine had jumped towards Fabayo, it was almost unnecessary since the pup jumped at her soon after, showing she was alive. That calmed the black wolf dog more than anything. She went down partially to make it easier for the pup to glomp her since the pup was so much smaller than she was. She nudged Fabayo's side, her worried whines changing so they were more happy. Her tail was wagging and it took a bit for Aine to translate the rather fast speech from Fabayo. Once Aine got what Fabayo has said to her, she waited until after she was done inspecting the golden pup before answering. It gave her time to think of what to say. “I'm ok... I got a bit separated from you and your parents exploring.” Aine said “When the attack happened, the thing was still there so I couldn't move with my bulk unless I wanted to risk its attention and I didn't because I'd be leaving you alone if I did. So you were far away by the time I could try to find your howling.” She knew the explaination was a little bit complicated for a two month pup but it was also for the others to know now that she was sure they were alright. She was wary of them but at least the female had Fabayo's approval.

She hadn't even noticed the female tense up when she had entered but now she could notice them a bit more. The brown wolf was the one who didn't attract her attention as much. For some reason, she was comfortable with him, perhaps because he seemed to have a straightforward personality? It had been the female she had felt more unsure about and now that she was calmer, specially with the female's assurence, she was able to be startled to realize that Cerridwyn was in a form with hands. She was standing on her back legs in this form with hands... And people were alright with it, even Fabayo seemed comfortable. It was strange for her because this was the first time she had seen someone like that... Other than herself on the full moon, reflected in the water after that urge to shift. But she had never really know it was ok. Her father couldn't change like she could or didn't around her. Fabayo's parents, she had been planning to tell but they had also not changed around her if they could change. So she went forward to kind of smell the woman's hands and just wonder at it.

At the same time, she HAD been paying attention to the question, somehow. The idea of referring back to the threat and everything easily made her think of it. “I'm not hurt and I'm pretty sure it went in a different direction.” Aine told her, her voice kind of dazed in surprise or shock. “Now... How do you look the way you do? Is it normal?” Aine asked the last part hesitantly with a faint sense of curiousity, moving over to paw Cerridwyn's leg before looking up at her questioningly with her reddish purple (or was it purpleish red?) eyes. She did her best to not show that faint sense of hope or desperation to her question. She still didn't want this woman to know she could shift like that, she didn't really trust the woman yet. But she did want to know about it and hoped that her nature made it seem more normal that she was just asking that. After all, she wanted to know if it was safe to change into the form even if she wasn't willing to let them know about it and would hide that she could change into it.

When the other wolf spoke up, she jumped, having forgotten he was there. When he told her and Fabayo to listen, she did. Before she could really answer him though, he went off into the forest. She hoped whatever it was that had attacked Fabayo's parents hadn't followed them. Aine followed Cerridwyn, not even seeming to notice Fabayo was on her back. But then, she was pretty big and also strong because of her mother's heritage, carrying Fabayo wasn't hard though it required a bit of balance. She was sure the small two month old pup wasn't expecting it which was why she was carrying Fabayo on her back. When the golden pup asked her questions, Aine listened to them, planning on answering the ones she could guess though. She was a little startled by Fabayo being able to turn into another form but she must've missed that discussion because those two had not thought she could shift. "I don't know about the pack stuff but I don't think they'll tease me... Although I'm glad you are concerned about me Fabayo." Aine commented then added a bit quietly "As well... Didn't you notice the form Cerridwyn was in? If it was strange and weird for the other form to be taken then Ty wouldn't seem so comfortable with Cerridwyn's form. Although... I still don't know if it is normal in general."

Indeed, Cerridwyn had hands and was on two feet. That had been what Aine was questioning about. Of course, she was surprised both Fabayo and her parents were capable of changing forms but she had never asked. She had also never let on that she could do it or revealed her forms so it wasn't surprising that they didn't reveal it in the time, not wanting to bother her with something she possibly couldn't do and not knowing that she had been able to shift since she was born, possibly another thing from her mother. Certainly, her father never seemed to have it. She needed to ask and to check if it was normal in general, she couldn't be sure about it.

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