Looking for special things inside of me

<3 da puppy

She had always held a bit of fear about puppies, ever since she had been young. She had always been the little girl of the family, daddy's little girl...maybe that was part of the reason that she subconciously feared those younger and cuter than her. Somewhere deep down Ember was still that same little girl, hanging on her father Phoenix's every word. The warrior had once considered changing her name so that she could forget about Phoenix after he left her and her siblings, but had chosen to keep it. It suited her in an odd way. A Phoenix was a bird that burst into flame and was reborn...which sort of reminded her of what she had done. Maybe not burst into flame...but the part about rebirth. The first part of her name, Ember, also had to do with fire.

"I brought a few things. Some eh...things I thought might suit you better. I found some play-jewelry that I thought was nice...and some dolls and a few stuffed animals." She said, tipping the tall box over so that some of it would spill out. Ember was really hoping that some of this stuff would appeal to him; she wanted him to have things that he liked, stuff that he could play with if she was ever not there for some reason. She had a lot of tribe duties, and didn't like leaving him alone...but sometimes she had to.

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table by lin

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