Egg Hunting
OOC: If you wanna wrap it up we can Big Grin

WC: 256

His ears perked up at the mention of the library, he wasn’t a big reader but he knew how he could surprise his sister. Not to mention it would help him if it had any kind of resources for training birds. But his mind mostly went to Orin when the library was mentioned.

You’ll have to show me where the library is, my sister would absolutely love the books, although it’s not best to show her… rather let her find it herself, she’ll lock herself in there for the rest of her life.

He was serious too. She would do that if she ever knew about the library. He was sure that Heath would take that as a joke. As long as he didn’t actually show her in compassion for her absolute love for books, that he didn’t believe Niro. At the next question he smiled and nodded.

Yes I have set up residence there, I might find my own place to live, but I find it comforting near other’s at the moment.

Mostly because I don’t want it to be a dream. He thought to himself, just about every morning since arriving he had to remind himself that he didn’t have to go right into defensive mode, he could actually have a life! He could do things. He’d remind himself of the sea and how much it sickened him, and that he was not going to go on another boat again. He shuddered at that thought. He was here now and he had an egg!

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