Starting Anew
ooc: Yea, sorry about the wait, I've had a long, rough week, there has been a mix of things going on in my life right now. I'll post once for the time I missed, then whoever's left, then Lin can close it if need be.

It had taken a while for Ty to return, but when he did, he was not in the best shape. It was obvious by the blood running down Ty's now limping front paw, the scratches on his side, and the bleeding forehead that Ty hadn't exaclty meant to take so long to return, but he had a look in his eye that said it all; he was lucky to be alive, let alone standing in front of the group. "Well...I found the 'big black thing' attacked the family..." He said in a panting, exhausted voice to the group.

After a second of two of coughing blood, Ty realized that Jefferson had shown up, much to his own surprise. Ty hadn't exactly seen Jefferson face-to-face for quite a while, so seeing him today was rather odd. "Oh good, you're here, perhaps you can accept the kids into the pack." He said, not hiding the surprise in his voice at finding Jefferson. However, there was a more pressing matter at hand, which Jeff made perfectly clear with his demand to know what's going on.

As the blood dripped from his head, he motioned to the woods behind him, straight to business. "There was...a black bear in our territory, it's mouth was frothing, and it's body swayed unnaturallly, I can only suspect that it was rabid." He stated, however swaying closer to Jefferson, not wanting to frighten the children with the next bit of news. His eyes darted towards the children, a small hint of remorse crossed his face as he whispered into the leader's ear. "It was heavily wounded before it found me, which is why I live. From what the children said, the parents of these wolves most likely distracted the bear long enough for the pups to get away...that being said, I think these children are orphans now."

Ty then pulled back, now attempting to regain his balance, his eyes pasing over Cerridwyn and the pups others to make sure nobody was hurt and the situation was under control, though with Jefferson here he really didn't need to do such a thing. "The bear is dead now though. However, I wouldn't reccommend anyone go venturing into the northeast corner of our borders for a's going to take a bit of time for that thing to decay."

With a heavy grunt and a small wince, Ty began to limp away from the others. Although his eyes were still screaming with the message of shock he had just seen, the tone in Ty's voice was fairly nonchalant, either he was trying very hard to keep the new pups from being frightened or something was disconnecting in his brain, which either could be possible with the way Ty was banged up. "I'm going to the river to clean myself up." He said as he limped toward the river, if Ty couldn't find someone like Angel, he could at least clean his wounds in the water. "If any of you see Angel, could you direct her to me? I'd rather not leave a blood trail all over the Valley."

And with that comment, he disappeared into the trees, not exactly waiting for a response from anyone.

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