love, reign over me

300+ words.

     Now that the decision-making part of her dilemma was over and done with, for she was certain now that she had to at least try to be with Haven in his pack, Princess was allowed to fret over what would happen when she got there. Of course, she still needed to talk to Savina, but now she was able to consider what would happen next. She did not know if she should talk to Haven, first or simply show up and hope for the best by surprising him. That did not seem like a terrible idea, but if he were to be unhappy or unsure about her decision, it could be very upsetting. Either option had the potential for her to end up upset, but she did not think it would be the case, judging by what Anu had told her. It was reassuring to know that she was not alone in the way that she felt and that Haven had confided in Anu about her and what he was feeling.

     Her time spent in Dahlia de Mai had been a strange time for her, and she had found infinitely more happiness (and sadness, at points, but it was not so bad) in Crimson Dreams. Savina knew the story about her mother's past, but Princess did not know if the negative opinion of Tokyo Chance extended to Anu, as well. It was possible, because of what Tokyo had done to one of Savina's children so long ago, but she did not know for certain. "I lived there for just under three months, with my mother, before I came here. I have had much more of a life here than I did there, and I do not regret leaving at all... I wish I had left sooner, or at least said good bye to the few there that might have missed me, Colibri included." Princess did not know about Tokyo's confrontation with Colibri after Princess' disappearance. If she had, she surely would have felt terrible about it.


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