A new start is a whole new adventure
....haha, now I want to put Faolan through a spiritual journey xD he missed his

Faolan took in the sights in sounds as he rested his paws on Rachel's shoulders. He looked over as Ember spoke, listening intensively. AniWaya sounded similar to his old pack but they seemed to be slightly more civilized of course as the thought crossed his mind. He tilted his head to the side when she mentioned the Spiritual Journey. He frowned slightly, looking away and up at the tree's canopy. I wasn't able to do mine... He seemed to mutter almost non-coherently. He was scheduled to do his the day after he approached Galloway. He let out a soft sigh as he let his head fall back down and rest on his soft mane. Clothes though, weapons? Faolan personally loved to just use what he was given, but he had fought with a spear before and enjoyed the experience with it. He had made his own but left it when he ran. Perhaps he'd make another later on. He seemed to chuckle though when Ember mentioned only one general. I doubt I'm that great... He said a bit louder than his last comment.

Again his mind wandered from where he was to the past thoughts of his old pack. The rage from what happened fueled his actions now in hopes that they would travel down and he would once again face the tyrant who took his family away. His brows creased, his lip curled. The memories flooded his mine like a broken dam. The attack happened so fast but he could still see it. His mother's tears, the blood. His fist clenched as his claws almost broke the skin on his pads. The sudden realization of the pain he had been conflicting to himself made him snap out of it. He looked over, in hopes to once again lighten the mood as a large goofy grin was slapped on his face. So are there any games? Contests? Puppies? I love playing with pups. He decided to share, remembering how before he left there were four 5 month old pups who loved his attention.

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