one morning fair

ooc: sorry for the wait...

Xeris continued to rest her eyes and take in the sun and the warm sand. The splashing of her children at play was comforting to her, knowing that they were enjoying themselves. She barely noticed the extra splashed that began to appear after a while, not even realizing that her other son had arrived until he approached her. Opening her yellow eyes, she looked down at him and smiled. He was quite wet and sandy, but appeared to be in a good mood. "Ah, there you are," she replied. "No, I'm not asleep. Just resting. Wondering where my naughty little son went." The smile on her face widened at this comment.

It was then that Pendzez arrived, and she looked up at him pleasantly. "Hello Pendzez," the white wolfess said. "Yes, it's a lovely day." By now Delwyn's siblings had come bounding out of the water to greet their father. "Dad! Hi dad!" Carwyn said, his tail wagging wildly. Xion came after him, smiling broadly at her father. And Xeris smiled too. The family was all together on a great day. These were happy times.


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