A new begaining
((Thanks, I'm happy to be here))
The memories of his family still hunted his mind as he sat under the pine tree. Sometimes he wished the memories would just disappear but then what would he have to hold on to? He had no more family that he knew of and no friends he could locate. It was like someone was slowly pulling the life out of him like a parasite that would never stop. Then a scent caught him by surprise. He had never smelt it before but could tell it was a she-wolf that more then likely was part of the pack. He knew this meeting would either end in him being accepted into the pack or being chased away and possible killed but he held his ground and watched as the she-wolf came into view.

She was a black wolf with green eyes and the way she held herself told him she was of high position in the pack. He imminently turned his head away from her and lowered himself closer to the ground. He wasn't full of pride like most males were so it was easy for him to be submissive to a high ranked wolf. He raised his ears slightly as the she-wolf talk and then took sometime to think about the best way to answer the question without causing an attack or not making it clear why he was here. " I do realize that I am trespassing on claimed land and that you have every right to attack me right now but I was hoping to gain access into this pack." he said trying to make himself seem older and more experienced even though he knew he was probably doing a very bad job of it.

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