Urban Jungles
Very much open, thanks for the replySmile

She could have easily moved away, just scampered off at the first sound of footsteps, but she didn’t. She wanted to meet another; another of those who form she now took, of the ones who had turned her simple nature into something so much more. The female watched the oceanic waters, but her mind followed the stranger and the quiet approach. The sudden clatter of an object, and the unknown voice, startled and apologetic, brought her head slowly around, the movement unintentionally predatory. Her green eyes darted quickly to the lovely bright blues to the foreign book and the flower painted on its cover, which was startling from its displacement from nature.

The animal’s arms slopped forward as she turned, grasping the earth as her back legs bunched beneath her. She leaned forward head tilted to the side with a look of subtle bemusement and confusion. “Why it ain’t no trouble at all,” She said her voice light but rolling, curious to why anyone would take offense at someone passing by.

Ileana looked back to the feminine face, but her attention drifted to the odd bag slung on her arm. It was utterly alien, to carry something…to carry something. A smart idea surely it was, though the wolf never had anything she could consider a possession worth carting around. These souls were a strange lot, she was mystified at the stories she had heard, the rumors of their change of life from barbaric beastie to civilized creature. Perhaps too, somewhat repulsed by it all, after all, did you really need to carry more than the hair on your back?

“Whats that now, eh girl?” She cocked her ears forward, her muzzle dipping in the direction of the book.

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