A new begaining
I watched as a smile grew on my leaders face. There must not have very many poeple willing to join lately but he didn't see why. This pack looked really nice so far and as far as he could tell there wasn't any traitors but then again he had only seen the leader of the pack. She, at least, wasn't a complete wack job likr his old leader had zbeen. The only reason he had stayed in his old pack was because all his family had been there and there was no way his father would have left it. For that reason, he was now dead. Wasn't it strange, how a little thing like wanting to stay in the pack you grew up in cost you your life. Most of the time it was thought good of you if you stayed in your birth pack but in this case staying in your birth pack meant death.

After his leader had talked, Tubur rose up from his crouched postion into a more comfortable standing position. His birth pack had demanded he never fully stand up when the leader or someone of high postion was around. Compared to this pack his birth pack sounded like a nightmare but when you had grown up in it it was like second nature to crouch down in front of someone in high postion. The leader being tense was understandable since she had just had litter of pups. She was simple trying to protect them, thats all. He knew that he would protect his pups if he had any. Now the tour around the territory seemed essentail since he had come to this pack knowing very little about there territory. " I would like the tour around the packs territory and I belive I will live in the house that most of the other pack live in" He said.

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