Its not that Simple

<3 sorries for the emo

The words of his true purpose here were finally spoken aloud. Confirming for Anann that he was indeed here to mend fences. She was glad it was nothing more than a small hiccup in their friendship. Her eyes coming back to the dark face with bright golden eyes. The words were simple and to the point, once he found them. "It's alright Heath, I've forgiven you. I've always heard pregnancy tends to cause a fight or flight response in men. Although its the flight you hear about more." A brief pause as she thought of what next to say. "I'm sorry too. My reaction could have a been a little better as well. I forget my place here." In all honestly, she was still quite uncertain what her place here was exactly. What role was she suppose to fill? Was she needed here at all? She stood before her only friend, clouds of doubt and uncertainty quickly filling her mind. Shadowing her eyes. She closed them, know she could not keep emotions from them. She felt ashamed of her self doubt. Afraid to let Heath see it.

Her own words had sent her tumbling momentarily down the dark tunnel of despair that had fill her last few days. She was used to being needed, having purpose. Her prior position had given her power and respect. It was the since of duty and responsibility that she missed though. Purpose. As quickly as thoughts came, she shucked them aside. Setting her mind firmly in the present moment. Focus set on the man before her. Focus. She blinked in an attempt to clear mind and sight. "I wish you weren't seeing me like this... its not like me." She hated showing such weakness. Even to those she called friend. Her tone was low and quiet. Her eyes avoided his as the words fell from her mouth.

"Well." She said much louder. Hoping to move the conversation along as if the whole little episode had not happened at all. "How do you feel about it now?" She gave him time to answer before asking the question that she had really wanted to ask. "How's Rem? Have you two settled things?" She was slightly jealous that Rem had not come to see her. Still it was hard to blame the horse when she had not made effort to go to the stables at all since that day. Giving them all plenty of room to figure it out.

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