Stepping stones
OOC: I was gonna reply to this last night and forgot, oh well >.<

WC: 359




Niro heard something in the distance. He swiveled his ears to where the sound was coming from, it was a little behind him… has that been going on? When did it start? He turned his head to see an old dead tree he didn’t pay attention to as he passed by, and saw something behind it moving rapidly. It couldn’t have been a bird, although woodpeckers were partial to just finding trees to make their homes this wasn’t ahme for one and whatever it was wasn’t a woodpecker, it was too slow. And it sounded as it it was wood hitting wood. He cautiously moved to where he could get a better view.

To his surprise he saw another wolf, with what looked like wooden swords. An art that Niro didn’t really dive into, although what this wolf was doing really did look like fun. He watched as she moved around dodging something he couldn’t see, was there something there, or some kind of practice session? He wasn’t sure, but interrupting her would mean making her stop and she looked rather good at what she was doing. He knew good and well that she couldn’t have been fighting anything on the tree unless it was some kind of bug that was spitting at her… or a snake but with the way she moved he was sure it would be dead without his help. So he just stood there as she whacked on the tree, he made no movement to pretend he wasn’t there but none saying he was either, not for a good few minutes. He cleared his throat, and spoke.
I’m no swordsman, but that’s some handy work.

He said, of course he was telling the truth, that was much better than he could do with a sword, although he couldn’t tell her if she was the best swordsman, he rarely saw anyone handling a sword before and even then he couldn’t say much about any of the others, fighting was not an interest of him. But learning wouldn’t be so bad he wasn’t sure how much time he would have for something like that.

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