Little Red

Life's been a pain, sorry. Mel, feel free to add some damage to Haku. WE SHOULD TALK ON AIM TBH!

She screamed and it was so beautiful.

They always tried to run, but they could never outrun the predator following on their heels. She as every target had attempted to dart out of the path, but after years of seeing the same move Haku had saved his main speed so that control could be maintained when the target chose to move. Almost playfully, the male tossed his body half-heartedly after her to give her a little shove, as he would be unsatisfied if he did not get to drink in a good amount of fear before he brought her down with claws and fangs. After falling clumsily she exploded into a run that not at all fit the elegance that she had mastered moment earlier. He could see her beautiful curls dancing as she clung desperately to that small branch of hope they all believed in when there was no escape. He wanted to see a naked scalp bleed. Initially he had decided to leave her face without a mark as a little gift to the King of her pack, but the temptation was too much.

He followed the marked trail of blood and adrenaline and sped up to full speed to gain in on the fleeing Optime. He slowed down just a bit to linger behind her for a few beautiful moments before reaching out for her with those heavy secui claws. His body weight was thrown into her and they were falling down toward the forest floor. Sometimes it was too easy, but he was not about to complain. Blood was blood and a soul was a soul. He did not intend to let her depart without a decent amount of suffering. Jaws hungry for only flesh avoided their desired target to go after what that beautiful blue gaze craved. He bit down on her beautiful locks and started to forcefully rip it off her skull. It was think and strong, so it could look like the man was forcefully shaking his head with his jaws clinging to an amount of hair, demanding it to be his.

Then everything changed and Haku immediately found a new target. Unfortunately that target had found him first. Jaws let go of their desired price to meet with the Aquila, and there was a nasty sound when the two bodies collided. The mental grin was wide and terrible when he recognized the inferior form of the other. Perhaps there was pain, but Haku only registered a steady throb where their bodies had clashed together. Immediately he started to push against the smaller form, seeking to dig his fangs into face, throat or neck. This time the little bastard would have to pay for moving against him.

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