Stepping stones

WC: 436

He looked at the swords she showed him, they were nice looking, definitely better than using normal sticks, he looked up at her and asked;

Mind if I hold one?

He was interested more in the craftsmanship it took to make the wooden sword than the actual feel and heft of it. He was more of a builder than he was a killer, although he did love the hunt. That was the sport he lived for. She did have a good reason for not wanting to use her steel. Seel was good and all but better used when in actual need.

It is a pleasure to meet you my name is Niro

He smiled at Anann, he loved meeting new people and she looked like she was a little newer than he was. He saw her eyes move down to his pouch and then back up, he looked down wondering if he had his hand on his strap again pulling at the string, he had made it an accidental habit to pull at the string of the sling.

Nah only type of fighting I like to do is the type that gets me my food. Although I wouldn’t mind a few self defense tricks. I only know what I learned off the street from down south.

He said, and that wasn’t much considering it was hit and run and much of the time there was no way to make it out of the hit. When she asked about the sling he smiled proudly, and lifted it enough to where she could see the egg snuggled insie the pouch. It wasn’t a really small one but it wasn’t massive either. It was grey speckled and smooth to the touch. When she mentioned the towel and the hot springs he laughed.

I know nothing of a hot spring around here, there might be one, but this towel is for a raptor, I was checking my trap. Birds don’t squirm around so much if they are blinded, and less injuries.

He said, he wndered how that would sound to someone who knew nothing about birds.

I’m trying to catch falcons or hawks to train to help us hunt. They have great eye sight and are exceptional hunters and trackers. If I can train them they can spot some food on a hunt, and even hunt sme stuff for us!

He said, although he knew perfectly well that the birds wouldn’t keep any sane wolf from hunting, it was easier to have one to help around at least. Well that’s what he thought, he wasn’t sure about the other wolves.

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