Stepping stones

WC: 575

OOC: Thanks!!!

Niro could hear the pride in her eyes as she handed over the wooden sword. And she was quite pleased with it. He didn’t blame her the wood was as solid as it could be, heafy, a fine piece of work, except for some knicks from use it was smooth, he checked its weight, although she said it was specified to the sword she had, it was heavier than what he would want to carry, but was that because he never handled a sword? He weighed it in his mind, the wood itself was suppose to be lighter than this. But it was a bit heavier in fact. He pondered the thought as he handed it back

How is it weighed down? That wood is good but not normally that heavy is it?

He asked, he wasn’t a wood expert he only knew enough to carve and build with it. This was an art to which he couldn’t use. Then he beamed with pride of his own when she asked about the egg remarking the size of it. It was hell to get out of that nest on the cliff he thought.

It is a golden eagle, I found the nest by the cliffs over the water. I got lucky with it, my favorite birds happen to be the golden eagle.

Then he smiled at her mistake about the towel and let her finish with her comments and questions. He hoped there would be a hot spring from what he was told summer didn’t get much warmer than this.

I hope there is a hot spring around here too, I’ll make sure to find you if I encounter one! I’m excited about catching a bird, if I do catch one I know good and well it’ll take me at least six months to have it fully trained, but I’m not pushing it! The first idea you get is, you aren’t taming a bird your are befriending it, making it a partner, showing it that if it works it gets what it desires most. Food. But the trust factor will be the hardest of all I think, and yes my hatchling will be trained and honed to the hunt as well. Although I honestly think he’ll be the only one that gets the freedom he’d desire.

He said, that thought hurt him a little, he’ll do as much as he can for the birds but he’s still have to tether them just like the horses when they aren’t doing business, he knew if trained right they would stay with whoever is in charge, and that would be the whole pack over the birds. He wondered if he was getting himself in more than he actually could handle?

It is like taming your horse over there. Patience, care, although birds are twice as skittish and hate loud noice. So nickering and whistling are out of the question until they get use to things. But the training is sort of like a horse except with a flesh eating beak.

He went on, he laughed at his second part, although he treated it as a joke he hoped he’d get few bites or scratches from the birds. He felt like a teacher now, and it didn’t feel like he should be one, rather an awkwardness to the air when he got his scholar face on, but he was so excited about this whole project he couldn’t help it

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