A walk through the woods
I got it for you Smile I just deleted the first table in there. Sorry for not getting back to you on that sooner! I checked it on my iPhone <3

She hoped that members found her welcoming; Ember did have a bit of a rough appearance, and she didn't want to scare anyone off with her piercings and weapons. She loved being able to protect her tribe from danger, whenever it came, and often did patrols and checked the borders to be sure that no one was coming across who didn't need to be there. She worried about the tribe sometimes.

Echo mentioned a hunt, and Ember nodded quickly. She was pretty hungry, too, and if they could catch something bigger then she could bring some food back for Lotus, too. The dark leader smiled. "Definitely! I'd love to. We might have to walk a little ways to find something, though--I think I saw some deer around the eastern portion of the border earlier"


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