Stepping stones

WC: 312

OOC also assuming that she has yet to open the bag, just tell me if I made a mistake and I shall reword it ^^

Oh well I’m sure you’ll meet them soon, they are nice wolves.

He said, feeling bad, knowing she was new and he’d assumed she knew who he was talking about. But she seemed to shrug it off herself and mentioned working on the leather now, he grinned brightly, it was nice to know someone who didn’t want to postpone work when it could just be done simply quickly. It would be nice to have a pair of gloves to use with the birds, that way he wouldn’t have any unnecessary scars. He listened as she explained about her things then building her a house! Wow, that was some project

If you need any help with that, I’d be glad to help you out, I’m good with my hands, and well building things is a hobby of mine.

he watched as the horse trotted ahead of them and looked at Anann questioningly, but she didn’t seem worried that the horse would run off so he supposed it would stay around the territory. Her question caught him off guard, he’d almost forgotten what had really gotten him into birds.

I think I was really young when I first saw a hawk catching a rabbit. The sight of it was just amazing, seeing the bird swoop down from ahead, and snatch it as if it was a twig. My mom thought my interest was not good for a pup, though, but I knew I was destined to be close to birds

He waited outside for her, he didn’t mind working in the stables, but it was a nice cool day and it wasn’t as smelly, so working outside was probably best, and watched as she came out with the bag full of stuff, he perked is ears up curious as to what was inside, and waited for her to open it and show him

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