The Reflected Face (open)

ooc: laaate, sorry <_<

Xeris heard a familiar name in Aine's speech; Cerridwyn. She'd met that very wolfess just recently. "Yes, usually all of our pack members are very friendly. I'm sure you'll be feeling at home in no time." It seemed that she was always telling newcomers such a thing; but only because it was true. She loved Phoenix Valley and it was her home. The white wolfess just hoped that all the others who came to this place could find it as lovely as she did.

She watched, slightly amused, as her new acquaintance poked at the silvery fish on the ground. Her golden eyes focused on the dark-furred female as she tried to catch her own fish, and had to stifle a laugh when she fell rather comically into the water. Xeris felt rather bad for finding it so amusing, but had an excuse for her laughter when her own son soon fell in after her. "It takes time to learn," she said, smiling. Aine asked how it was easier to fish while shifted, and Xeris chose her words carefully before replying, "Well, for one, you don't get quite as wet. You can use your hands to grab at fish instead of your face. I've even known wolves to use fishing rods like humans did, and those are awfully tough to hold with regular paws."


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