Stepping stones

WC: 367

Niro watched as Anann pulled out the tools to make and stitch the leather together, and kept his ears up, perked, listening to her as she showed him what he should do and paid special attention. He nodded when she asked if he wanted it elbow length, which certainly would be best when working with the large birds. When she handed him the charcoal he took it with apprehensive hands and knelt on the ground putting his hand on the leather she supplied, noting it was cured much nicer than he’d been able to do. He slowly moved the charcoal around his hand, estimating the inch Anann had told him to give, and pulled his hand away, seeing the missing thumb and grinned.

It looks so strange without a thumb.

He said, then remembering he had to make a notch for his wrist he put his hand back and made the note of where the wrist started on both sides of the leather. He looked up at Anann and hoped he was doing it right, as he sat back up and put the charcoal down. He wasn’t the best when it came to drawing things out, but he thought he did pretty good. And knowing he’d get better if he did something like that often, tracing or what not. He only cared that it looked like a hand….without a thumb.

I hope that’s ok, now what?

he asked excitedly, wagging his tail a little, absolutely thrilled at this learning experience. He knew he was proud of himself for getting this far, and he’d probably have to give his sister another huge thank you for getting him to come with her, or he wouldn’t be learning all of this stuff now. And he was sure to replace the leather that Anann was letting him use for his gloves. He was sure to hunt up something soon enough. He didn’t want to get something for nothing, if that happened well he’d feel like he was a mooch and nothing more. He’ll think about repayment later but now he was in the process of learning how to make something extra nice that would help him in the long run.

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