M - The dead don't like you.

OOC: She’s VERY gullible lol silly lili

WC: 389

Liliana’s eyes widened a little when she was told she was in the presence of a ghost, fear kept her stuck to the floor where she stood, unable to make another move. It was as though her feet were glued to the ground, was that why she was so light? But her hair wasn’t, it all confused her, if she were a ghost would she really be solid. She seemed so nice… as she thought that… she started wondering, couldn’t ghosts still be ghosts but nice as well? She’d heard some tales her mother told her father when she came from a pack, she even heard some tales from other packs when she was allowed to visit, most of these tales were of ghosts taking their children and cursing their family or friends, but this wolf here, she didn’t seem so bad, could they be that bad? She was too scared to actually test it out. Her words were caught in her throat until she heard the wolf change the conversation

Umm…. I groom and train horses, over in AniWaya

She said quietly, did ghosts actually ask these questions? Did they care, she didn’t seem that interested in it, just seemed like she was rather lonely, maybe that’s what she wanted? someone there? Or did she just not want Lili to be so scared that she’d end up embarrassing herself, the questions kept coming because they just didn’t add up, but she believed Lolita when she said she was a ghost, if she was she’d know it right? Best to tell the truth?
I live in Aniwaya…but… um, I was born in unclaimed lands, my parents… they are… were wanderers.

She said, stopping to think, if Lolita was a ghost of some kind, did that mean her parents would be too, and that they were looking for her. She bit her thumb thinking about it, she doubted it, her father was cruely killed and her mother basically committed suicide, not even thinking about her daughter that had to watch her own mother waste away.

Where… where were you from?
She asked, trying to make things even out, she might have just been a loner and never had a place, but she wanted to be nice, she was sure if she angered Lolita slightly she might find herself cursed.

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