That feeling again

Anatoliy's golden eyes saw her hands moving toward him. From his point of view, it looked as though she were going to do another cheap shot, but when it got around at his knee, he knew he could trust her to respect the first rules. Besides, that kind of shot would have definitely pissed him off a little bit, enough to end the spar and leave in annoyance. The Russo had no temper to really speak of, but he did not like people not honoring set out rules that had been agreed to. He set honor and trust on a high pedestal in his mind.

She was trying to knock him down, that much was evident. He braced himself for her blow to his chest with her shoulder. The blow had pushed him back a bit, but it had failed to get him down completely. The weight and height difference was evidently assisting him in that moment. Now the Russo was feeling the desire to win, to prove himself stronger. Maybe it was because of Anann being a woman, or maybe it was because he just wanted to feel a little bit superior after the kiss. He grunted a bit at the pressure at his chest and the woman practically in his arms. This was harder than he thought it would be. The hand on his knee was making it hard to move. He tried to jerk his leg out of her grasp, but he doubted she would let go that easily. Anatoliy was leaning further and further back, unaware of how unstable his pose was.

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