That feeling again

this was cute, I gotta say

Anatoliy tittered a bit as she complained. "Vhat do you complain for? You von, so you von." And green grass was green. She should be glad he did not struggle more; he would have, but he did not think it was wise to upset a woman like this. If he was stronger, this was not the way to prove it. There were other things he could do to prove his strength; this was just a sort of practice for both of them. That was all. "But it vas good vork out, yes? I am feeling more fit zhen before." Anatoliy let her sit on him, hands lightly coming to rest on her legs without realizing.

Letting off a low laugh, the Russo shook his head as best as he could. "I did not zhink I vould have to." He really had not. Still, he did not realize where his hands were. "But I did." Anann began to rise, and Anatoliy let his hands return to the sand, propping himself up a bit on his elbows as she rose. When she offered her hand, he took it and rose up. Following her example, he dusted himself off a second time. "Maybe next time ve von't fight on zhe sand?" he asked, shaking his legs out to find cascades of sand falling. Why did this stuff get everywhere? Rem was missing, for some reason. Where had he gone? "I vonder vhere zhat horse vent."

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