push pull

WC: 548

Today was well crappy, the rain was torrential for most of the morning… he loved it, the feeling of his wet fur sticking to his skin. Why did others dislike it so much? Of course the rain died down now and it was only cloudy, but his fur was still wet, and it clung in patches. He was at Hade’s beach. He liked the name, although it was named after the greek god of the dead, he was sure the Egyptian god of the dead would have been much better for it, but not many cared for the Egyptian religion like he and his siblings. This place was like the other bay he’d visited a while back… rocky rocky rocky… well it was alright, he didn’t like sand getting into his fur much anyway. He moved to the water line where the waves pushed and pulled at the massive bolder he was standing on. It was quite sturdy for now, of course would it be here in a few years, or a few hundred years? He may not find out. But for now it was a nice sitting spot. He could feel the chill of the water, it rarely got warm, but that didn’t bother him, this place was never warm. That made him miss Egypt much more… and he thanked his gods he had fur. But the cold of the water was more refreshing to him than he thought, and it wasn’t so bad when he got use to it, June or no, it was still colder than ever.

In his eyes this day was absolutely beautiful, his red eyes stared up at the cloudy sky, no sun to burn his eyes, it was hidden in the shadows of the clouds that screamed rain. He wasn’t sure when the next rain would start up but he would wait it was one way to keep himself occupied in this place.

Set…why did you bring me here?

He asked his favored god, the god of chaos, he was bored out of his mind, most of the life here was rather quiet for now. Maybe if he visited another territory, things would be more interesting. He needed to dispense his worlds through all of nova scotia, where he will be able to just sit back and watch his creation of chaos, but for now he was here for a certain reason. Set did not tell Enky what it was, but he would soon learn in time what he wanted to know, he was a patient Coyote/Jackel, his too large ears swiveled back and forth finding a good spot to keep them to hear the sound of the waves in perfect harmony.

He thought of too many things and this was where he knew he could go to get it all off his mind. It was like the waves took it, greedily and pulled it back in to bottle it up wherever it could and let it sit there in the depths of its beautiful blue and Enky would not have to worry about that thought again for some time. That was why he was here now, he was questioning himself, and that was no good, if he was doing such a thing, that meant he wasn’t doing what he should.

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