Returning home


Liliana was quite cloe when she heard a howl pitch through the air, her ears perked up, it was a homecoming? Someone had left and is now back, curiousity swept through the mix breed as she hurried to the sound, surely if she did come the leader, Dawali, would surely be there, but as she caught up and saw the wolf that made the call, wasn’t alone, trailing her was a pup and a horse, the leader wasn’t there quite yet. Well she seemed confident that she would be welcomed back so maybe she really was, so she took up her courage and stepped toward the new wolves.

Hello, I’m Liliana

She said quite nervously, she’d never greeted others near the border, but she felt that if she were to get to know others better it would be best if she tried to do some initiative, this wolf didn’t smell like pack, but the howl sounded like a long lost friend coming home after so long. She felt rather nervous, but looked at the horse that trailed behind the pup and the woman, smiling, another horse to add to the stables. She worked with them and felt more at home with the animals than she did with her own kind, but she wasn’t about to tell anyone that.

You have a beautiful horse

She remarked awkwardly, anyone could tell she was horrible at social situations. At least starting them, she probably could go on and on about horses, their behaviors, breaking them, training them, but when it came to much else she knew very little, even though she did want to learn more about things all around her, she was hoping to find someone who was willing to teach her about herbs, and learn how to use them, especially for horses, because she only knew some things, not enough to keep a really sick or really injured horse to live.

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