Hey, welcome! I'm Marit, I'm from Norway, and I'm one of the mentors that hang around here to help anyone that feels like they need it :3 Glad to see some fresh meat! Wink

A: Lots of people here do that, which is obvious from the size of our bigger family names. It automatically establishes a social network for your character, and sort of places him/her in the world for you, both beographically and semi-ideologically, seeing as it is likely (but of course not a certainty) that a child would share some of the basic values with their parents.

Some people find it difficult to play puppies, like they are 'waiting' for it to grow up and become interesting. There are about 7-8 months, to a year, of 'puppy' play, which for some is pure awesome, and for some is really tedious. It depends on whether you're a little impatient and want to get down to business; if so, I'd not really recommend taking on a puppy. We have a lot of puppies in need of players here, all the time, but if you pick one up and hace to drop it because it's not working out, it's no fun for you, or the players of the parents.

B: For a character from Europe... European wolves are fun. Seeing as you're even aware of the option of playing an European wolf, I'm guessing you've already read some of our info. So, you probably know that the wolf population in Europe is much more advanced than the one here, which means that your character could easily be a boat builder or a miner or something funky like that. No electricity over here though (I'm not even sure they have it in Europe), so be careful in choosing something that's realistic, if/when you decide on skills. I'm not sure on the size of a coyote population of Europe, so I suppose the safe choice would be a wolf or maybe a hybrid of some sort, when it comes to species.

Another fun thing about the European wolves are their language. It's not likely that they would be very proficient in English unless they're from the UK, so you get a chance to show off your language skills. There are a lot of European characters who speak French and German (I say a lot, but they're only a few, though in the total number of European wolves, they dominate. I think?), so if your character speaks any of those, (s)he's have something in common with them. Or if you want the character to be a bit special, you can choose another language. The only important thing is, though, that you have some level of knowledge about the langauge, or teach the basics of it to yourself, to ensure that the dialogue in your post isn't random gibberish from google translate Wink

Hmm... I dunno if this answers any questions you might have? Throw some more at us! Smile

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